Each week our Fortis puppies never cease to amaze, and amuse us! The puppies are growing in leaps and bounds for starters, coordination is significantly improved-and they are not afraid to show it!
Leia was found outside of the large whelping pen one morning curled up to Teiko (however we did have precautions in place in the event a pup or two should go over the wall ;) So no worries there!
The puppies enjoyed their first time outside, and it was a GREAT hit (video on our fb fan page :) Hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate for many more outings! And they have even been enjoying some extra time with the rest of our crew here at Fortis who have been very curious to meet them-given the response the feeling has been mutual :) Please let us know if you have any questions, and for more up to date pics/stories follow us on our fb fan page

RMM Red Merle Male Chewy is a fun boy! Who was the first to show interest in toys-of course now no keeping them to himself ;)

RMM Red Merle Male Sitting still for a rare moment during pics this week-he was a bit of a busy boy wanting to play and investigate ;)

RMM Red Merle Male Another one of those rare moments ;) Working with puppies is fun!

RTM Red Tri Male Han is a sweet boy, that will pull you right in...then CHOMP! Puppy teeth-(working on no bite ;) actually he is the one most often found tugging on the back of my shirt when sitting with the puppies

RTM Red Tri Male Playing with Mr. Owl, the Fortis puppies will soon out grow this toy, but for now...too cute, with the added bonus of crinkle tail and squeaker makes it loads of fun for them :)

RTM Red Tri Male Almost ready for a nap at this point...it's difficult being a puppy!

RTB Red Tri Bitch Investigating the elephant...

Red Tri Bitch, Annnnnd...She's OFF! Padme was much more interested in exploring this week! And was enjoying every second of it! From looking around, to checking in, climbing into my lap, to play bowing to...Padme was having a great time!

RTB Red Tri Bitch Absolutely fearless! Once she knew the boundaries, Padme was more than willing to go have a look!